about me

Hello, my name is Nokomi. I started painting back in 2020. I love sharing some of my inspiration and imagination in each of my paintings. I am self-taught and I free hand all of my work. I've had a blast doing art shows around the west coast area, but enough about my art, let me tell you a little about myself!

I am western Temoke Shoshone and Hispanic. I was raised on the Indian colony in Elko, Nevada. My family is from the Duck Valley Indian Reservation of the Shoshone/Paiute nations located 100 miles northeast of Elko, on the Idaho border. My early years were filled with lots of hunting, hiking, camping and fishing. These are definitely my favorite things to do aside from painting of course. This is where I find most of my inspration. In my short years of life, my greatest accomplishment took place in 2016. This was the year I beat Stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma at 11 years old. I am cured and doing well! During this time is when I really started sketching and messing around with my artistic skills and developed a love for art.

Today I'm continuing to work on new ideas, improving and growing as an artist. My art has evolved into an abstract mix of my cultural heritage and the beautiful nature that surrounds me. I thank all of you for all your support. I hope you all enjoy seeing my art as much as I do creating it.


Please feel free to reach out to me via email or any social media platforms.

Email: nokomijonesart@gmail.com

Instagram: Ruby_rose_art_studio

Tik Tok: Ruby_rose_art_studio


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